Join Session not traveling Client

LAN Listen Server created. Seamless travel on Steam OSS. That player travels to Lobby map. Other client finds session result, join session node fires, shows success, but does not travel client to server Lobby. What could the issue be here?

Client Log:
[2019.01.14-23.15.29:234][304]LogOnlineSession: OSS: Join session: traveling to
[2019.01.14-23.15.29:234][304]LogBlueprintUserMessages: [GameInfoInstance_C_0] Joined: SATRBLASTR
[2019.01.14-23.15.29:285][304]LogNet: Browse:
[2019.01.14-23.15.29:293][304]LogTemp: Display: ParseSettings for GameNetDriver
[2019.01.14-23.15.29:300][304]LogTemp: Display: ParseSettings for SteamNetDriver_0
[2019.01.14-23.15.29:301][304]LogTemp: Display: ParseSettings for PendingNetDriver
[2019.01.14-23.15.29:303][304]LogInit: WinSock: Socket queue 32768 / 32768
[2019.01.14-23.15.29:340][304]PacketHandlerLog: Loaded PacketHandler component: Engine.EngineHandlerComponentFactory (StatelessConnectHandlerComponent)
[2019.01.14-23.15.29:360][304]LogNet: Game client on port 7777, rate 10000

Server Log:
[2019.01.14-23.14.55:332][452]LogNet: Browse: /Game/Maps/Lobby?listen
[2019.01.14-23.14.55:332][452]LogLoad: LoadMap: /Game/Maps/Lobby?listen
[2019.01.14-23.14.55:333][452]LogScript: Warning: Script Msg: DestroySession - Invalid player state
[2019.01.14-23.14.55:481][452]LogSlate: Slate User Unregistered. User Index 8
[2019.01.14-23.14.55:481][452]LogSlate: Slate User Destroyed. User Index 8, Is Virtual User: 1

Could the invalid player state be the issue on the server side?

Remove the “Event End Play” my issue is that the clients will search for the server and join successfully but when server traveling the clients lose the connection and call event end play and go back to the main menu, i guess my server simulation is taking too long to travel so the clients drop themselves i dont really know you should do multiple testing with seamless travel off and steam running and not running etc

Remove the “Event End Play” my issue is that the clients will search for the server and join successfully but when server traveling the clients lose the connection and call event end play and go back to the main menu, i guess my server simulation is taking too long to travel so the clients drop themselves i dont really know you should do multiple testing with seamless travel off and steam running and not running etc

Hi, did you solve the problem in UE 4.21 ? I’m having the same issue…

Where is the “Event End Play” node ought to be in the first place though? Haven’t added it myself anywhere…