"UE4Game" name in task manager of the game packaged for windows

Problem: In windows 10 Task Manager, My game process (with correct name) is always the child of “UE4Game” process. I want to remove “UE4Game” parent process or change it to my game’s name
Solutions Tried:
-I have created a new project with correct name, then I converted it to c++ and then build it.
-I have followed complete tutorial from Unreal Engineer from the this [Renaming a C++ project - C++ - Epic Developer Community Forums][1]
-I have tried Unreal version 4.21 and 4.18 as well.

Is there any solution to this?

If all else fails you could always open the compiled executables in Visual studio and edit the details in there and hit save. But you’ll have to redo the process each time you make a new build.