Stationary Sunlight only casting shadow on editor

I have a directional light on my project that serves as my sun, It’s set to Stationary and I see all the baked (buildings) and dynamic lights (foliage). If I change the light to Movable all my lights go away. The exact same look as if I unchecked on the Stationary mode the Cast Shadow Option.
When I Press “Play” the Shadows disappear as If it was Movable or if I changed the Cast Shadows. If I unchecked and then check during runtime the cast shadows option the shadows reaper, but also receive a warning: “Mobility of LightSource_I15 : LightComponent0 has to be ‘Movable’ if you’d like to move.”

Video showing the behavior

I’m using Forward Rendering
This behavior exists even if I add another Sunlight (Directional Light).
Exposure Min and Max = 1

Dont know what I’m doing wrong.

Did a test in a new empty level:
1.Create two cubes. Bake light. Shadow appears on the Editor. Hit Play. Shadows appear in game.
2.Unchecked Cast Shadow on the directional light. Checked again. Shadows appear on the Editor. Hit Play. Shadows gone in game.
3.Bake Again. Shadows on both editor and Game.

Is this normal?

Thank You BTW