Firing Custom Events From Specific Actor Of Class

So this may be hard to explain but I’ll try. So I have an attachment that can be attached to many different guns. I need it to set fire a custom event in the overlapping actor that sets a variable to true. But I need it to do so for only the one it overlaps and not all of that class. Example: AttachmentBP fires the event (on begin overlap) with any actor in the Firearm Class. AttachmentBP now needs to fire the custom event of (Attachment In Range) in the BP of the Actor(gun) it is currently overlapping.

how can i make it find which one its over lapping, and then fire the event in that BP without affecting any other Actors in that Class?

I thought something like this would work but it doesn’t.

I’m not sure I exactly understand what you’re trying to make happen, but I think I can offer some help nonetheless.

Any time one needs to call up a custom function on an object when that object’s specific type is unknown (or is, at least, inconvenient to deal with figuring out), interfaces are often the best solution.

If you’re not already familiar, have a look at the Blueprint Interface article (link) in the official docs, as well as the Implementing Blueprint Interfaces article (link). Together, those articles explain and demonstrate how interfaces (in this case, Blueprint interfaces) can help make such function calls easy and neat.

Hopefully this helps you, but I admit I might have misunderstood what your issue is. (If I did, oh well!)