Posting a new AnswerHUB question seems to be a bit broken

Hello people,

just used an old question of mine to tell you that most of mods are aware of not working “Ask Your Question” button. But we need to wait for an admin to repair it (:

Meanwhile you can ask your questions on forum:

Have a nice day (:

Date: 13.11.2014

Hi all,

I apologize for inconvenience. We are working to resolve issue now and I will let you know here when we have AnswerHub working properly again. Thanks for your patience!

Thanks eXi,

Yep, we saw that. Thanks for helping us out!

Hey ,

if you haven’t been to Forum yet, someone already posted what causes issue. You can find it inside Private Moderation Forum.

Hi all,

This should be working again. Please let us know if you are still unable to post new questions. Thanks again for your patience!