My starter content only includes the architecture folder

I’d recommend trying the following:

  1. Go to the Launcher > Unreal Engine > Library page.
  2. On the 4.21 engine slot, click the small dropdown arrow and choose “Options”.
  3. “Starter Content” is probably enabled. Turn it off, and click Apply.
  4. After the update, go back, turn it on, and click Apply.
  5. After the update, load the editor and see if the issue is fixed.

When I try adding the starter content, either when creating a project or adding it later, it only includes the architecture folders. None of the other folders (Audio, Blueprints, HDRI, etc) load. Has anyone else had this problem? should I reinstall Unreal?
Thanks for any advice.

Mate, Stephen, thankyou, was looking everywhere for the fix! You got it! Only 2 years later! Alex

Glad I was able to help, regardless of how long ago I posted that answer. (I’m sure some of my answers from 8 years ago are still valid too!)