How do I stop NPC characters from bumping into eachother?

I have a problem I can’t solve in a project i’m making…
I have set up some NPC characters to walk around randomly in my level (I wanna make something like peasants in GTA for instance). Everything works fine, except one thing: characters keep bumping into eachother.
When they’re walking in a street, if two or more of them are walking in opposite directions, they just bump into eachother and stop moving, and then many other characters get stuck there too.
How can I solve this problem?
Can i make them change direction as soon as they collide? or maybe can I create “directions” for the player in the navmesh?
Thank you very much!

Search for Avoidance in the CharacterMovementComponent. You can give a radius to try for and control groups for avoiding. Just check the RVOAvoidance box and try some settings.

This assumes you are using AI navigation.

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hi - is there a similar way to have NPC Characters avoid vehicles?