Revolve around object smoothly

I’m trying to get my character (marked as me) to smoothly revolve around my target 90 degrees to the point marked and stop. I’ve tried the various tutorials available for rotating object around vector point but they don’t seem to be working for me. RotateVectorAroundAxis node with axis set as 0,0,1 is shown in all tutorials but it moves my object in random directions. Any help much appreciated!

Orbit radius will be target capsule component radius.

You don’t need to rotate your actor! You need set the location of your actor at the end of a rotating vector, and interpolate that vector from 0 to 90 degrees.

Appreciate the response. Any chance to see it in blueprints? I can do the interp with timeline but confused on what inputs the rotating vector should take.

@Evigmae is speaking about changing the Location of your actor, not the Rotation… and he’s right

One way I’d try… I’m not sure it would work… is to (perhaps temporarily) make the actor a child of an invisible actor (like an arrow) located in the center of your planned rotation.

Then rotate your temporary invisible actor, bringing your actor along with it

Depending on what type of actor you are rotating (pawn, character, normal actor) this might work really well.