Can i get help doing those game mechanics?

I know this will sound strange but i had no other choice but to ask for help
So i tried alot doing those mechanics in my game but coudn’t so maybe you can help on how to do atleast one of them, So im doing a horror story game using blueprints and tried adding those mechanics

  1. Jumpscare with no AI: just look at a place were a static model just stands there and then disappearing by a trigger box or something but i wasn’t successful on doing it

  2. Block an event behind the other: for example he cant open this door unless he open that box or something

  3. Most importantly and i know its not that easy but changing the environment while not looking: for example i enter a room from a house but when i exit i see myself in a desert or whatever, i tried doing this with a box trigger and opening a level but it was really obvious and i had to make like 10 levels for 1 place which isnt the best option

Hope you can help me and thank you


I’m not sure if I understand you correctly by first you want to disappear object when player look at this?

  1. Object will need at least overlap collision. Then go to player and create raycast. (Link below)

    Sorry I didn’t do it myself and just sending link but here is how to do it How do I raycast in blueprints? - Programming & Scripting - Unreal Engine Forums

Then just get object and set visibility to false (or destroy with destroy actor node).

  1. That’s even simpler than you may think just create boolean on thing that needs to change then get it (create
    reference to this object and access that boolean. Remember to set it to public.) and check each time event is
    triggered with branch and boolean in it. Change this when box is opened or whatever.

  2. You can use trigger box as you wanted then use maybe LoadLevelInstance node - You can create level in level as
    documentation says “You can create multiple instances of the same level”. I have never tested it so write in
    comment if that’s bad idea. Or you have problem with this.

And remeber game developers have limited resources with everything so we have to cheat. Create thing like it’s not in real. Almost everywhere.

Hope this help.