How to get axis value when widget is focused?

Whenever I set input to focus a widget, axis bindings delegates and query always returns 0, and even after returning focus to the game it still returns 0 until another input on that axis is pressed or released.

A very similar case was reported in this question. The first bug he reposts that is.

In my case, it is a platformer with a pause button to spawn the widget, if you are pressing forward, pause/unpause while still pressing forward, when the game unpauses, the axis delegate always returns 0. If you want to continue going forward you have to press forward after unpausing, otherwise it won’t register.

The other question said it found a workaround which is to check if the key was pressed down, he didn’t want to take this approach and either do I.

How can I get the axis value not to get consumed when focusing widget?

Have you tried using the Set Input Mode Game Only node? Try executing that in your player controller’s BeginPlay. Not sure it will work, but some quick experimentation should answer whether this node makes a difference. (It’s supposed to prevent the UI from consuming player input, so, fingers crossed.)