Do not pick up the guns after you get caught

Hello guys, I’m doing a shooting game, my character has two guns, pistol and rifle, I wanted to know how I can not get these weapons twice, I want you to stop picking up after the gun was caught. in case the two gun.

Make a boolean inside your character (hasGun1, hasGun2) and check them before running the pick-up code.
And (obviously) set them to true when you first collect the weapons.


So this is only works if I take the two types of weapons next

like this

only that when I take the same then it does not work, how is the logic for it

If I understand you correctyl, you don’t want the player to pick a weapon of the same class twice. You could use a setup like this

Many thanks Freezer Nick, you saved my day, it works perfectly.

Is working, as the Freezer Nick showed