Detect click event in a BluePrintClass spawn in another BluePrintClass

In my scene I have about 20 instances of an object that I can select by clicking on it, when located in their vicinity. I used a class BluePrint for that let us named it BP_Selectable_Objects. Then I use another ClassBluePrint to spawn the BP_Selectable_Objects in the scene; I named that BluePrint BP_Spawn. When playing, I can detect when I am the vicinity of any selectable object but can not click on it. Would anyone may help me on that? Thanks in advance.

Let me first understand your question:

You have some blueprint, all from same class, and you locate them randomly in some positions. Each of them has a trigger which rises an event that you are in range (vicinity). Now, you want to click on them, when the vicinity event is rise.

Is this your question?

Hello, thanks for your answer, I solved the problem. Regards