Workflow for complex inputs

Excuse me guys, I want to setup my character movement to almost like Ghost Recon Future Soldier. Is there any way (tutorials) to plan my inputs, so I can execute that planning in blurprints?
My problem now is that I don’t understand how the input system works within UE4 … so in case you have time to read what I want to do and my current setup, there they are:

My basic movement situations: (3 states)

Up State:

  • Idle
  • Walk

Mid State:

  • Crouch
  • Sneaking

Down State:

  • Prone
  • Crawling

Sprinting State:

  • with pressing W,A, or D and pressing Shift.
  • in Sprinting State the player can slide by pressing Spacebar.

The problem in my setup is that I want just one thing to be active at the moment (when walking is true then every thing else is false) so I can setup my AnimBlueprint easily and set just one boolean for each transaction between two animations. I can’t reach that with my current setup because Action Mapping works on the Tick and I don’t understand how it works. So here is my current setup:

(sorry, can’t take a screenshot because it’s large)

This is just the basic movement. The character will be in other main states like being in cover or hanging, so what I am asking for is a workflow or a plan to manage my inputs so there will be no conflicting like what I currently have now.

Sorry for the long talk.

You are overcomplicating it. All you need are 3 variables Current Speed, Is Crouching, Is Crawling. When you press spriting key, you increase current speed, when you press crouching/crawling you set corresponding variable. Then in animation blueprint you have only three states: Idle-Walking-Sprinting, Crouching, Crawling. All these states include blend-space, node which takes current speed as input (same blendspace system is used in third person template). Check on youtube, there is bunch of crouching and sprinting tutorials, crawling will work the same way.

I’d recommend you have a look at State Machines
State Machines in Unreal Engine | Unreal Engine 5.1 Documentation and Casting