LogModuleManager: Warning: ModuleManager: Unable to load module 'OnlineSubsystemGooglePlay' - 0 instances of that module name found

Greetings, So the question is… what is the reason for an error like this and how can we track it down and fix it. We are making a real-time online multiplayer for mobile using Android as our main platform. We have been able to get Google play login and achievements to work but we are unable to host an actual game session… create room, join players and launch a game session. We are using a blueprint only project.

As far as we can tell the issue seems to be in how UE4 is building the project or that the blueprint nodes just don’t work with google real-time multiplayer Subsystems… Has anyone encountered this issue… we are getting desperate, its been 2 weeks of googling and looking at any subsystem related issues but so far nothing has worked with this issue and there seem to be no up to date resources… we are using the latest version of UE4 4.21

I have to repeat that we have a working google play login and achievements but we are not able to host a session over google play on a build that can be downloaded from google play.

This is the error we keep getting:

LogModuleManager: Warning: ModuleManager: Unable to load module ‘OnlineSubsystemGooglePlay’ - 0 instances of that module name found.