Why does my widget look weird in the editor?

Hello, I recently created a widget and added it onto my scene but when I play it in the editor it looks weird.

Update: This seems to be the case for all the widgets I create (They all look weird)

I’ve seen some issues with the editor being at a different scale causing it to not appear correctly as you made it.

Do you have the hierarchy of these two? It seems like the Blue portion is not properly being scaled? Maybe because of its child properties?

What layout widgets do you use?

Are you adding it as a child to the HUD or just laying it in the hud

Hello, thank you for your reply I only used the “image” widget to create it

Hello, thank you for your reply! i’m not too sure on what you mean by as a child to the HUD, sorry

Hello, thank you for your reply! but what do you mean by child properties?

Try using Canvas widget component and put the blue bar image on that, setting the anchor to the bottom left corner

Hello, thank you for your reply! that fixed it thank you so much