Object facing the direction of the player once grabbed

Hi guys, I’m not sure whether this has been solved before but i haven’t been able to find the solution.
I had followed the physics handle blueprint in the Content Examples level and i successfully have that implemented, but I’ve noticed that in both the example as well as my own game the object that is held will always face the direction that it was initially grabbed which results in the object looking like it rotates when you’re carrying it around.

I did manage the get the object to face where the players camera is facing upon being grabbed but i want it to update constantly as the player moves about.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Hi LukePGM,

If you haven’t figured this out yet, here is the solution I came up with. It still has an issue where the object that is picked up will need to orient it’s rotation to the player. I am trying to find a workaround for that out now. It may also be directly relate to your your third issue.

I looked through your blueprints from the question linked below. Try changing the SetTargetLocation in the “Update physics handle position” section to a SetTargetLocation&Rotation. Then plug in a GetControlRotation into the rotation slot.


Hi TJ, I’ve tried what you’ve said and its working perfectly. I have also managed to get the object to face the direction of the player when grabbed and constantly update the rotation through making a new function to update its rotation relative to the player and then have a looping timer call the function when the object is grabbed and clear the timer when dropped. All works great, Thanks so much for your help over the last couple of days.

Grabbing an object still pushes other object away though when its grabbed but ill have to look into fixing that issue when i’m back on UE4.

I’m also trying to save grabbed object it’s rotation but rotate it with camera and have no idea how to achieve this. Can you tell how to do it or show your blueprint?
If you still have a problem about pushing object once picked, the solution is to make handle position on that place where you pick object. Use “get distance to” picked object and make it variable of “handle distance”.