Add Skeletal Mesh to AR AugmentedImages Sample

Hello all:

I’m working on showing a Skeletal Mesh (Paragon Character) in AR based on an Image on an Android phone.

I’ve been using the default PictureFrame Blueprint Class and adding the Skeletal Mesh to the Default Scene Root. Under Set Extent, I also SetRelativeLocation for the Skeletal Mesh and tied the target to the Paragon Character. I followed the picture frame examples as a guide.

I have successfully deployed the Project to my Android phone, I see the picture frames but I can not see the Skeletal Mesh anywhere.

While experimenting, I created an animation montage and added a voice over. I can also hear that once I target the Image marker. I just can’t see the Skeletal Mesh anywhere. (looking to see if it is above me, below, etc.)

I can see the Mesh in the Viewport. I’m running out of things to try and decided to reach out here.

Thanks in advance for helping this new user.