Finding Reference for Casting

So I can’t find a reference for my cast, so that it works, I don’t have an event, I don’t have a trace, I don’t know which array my object is, and none of the “get” references work.

Do you have any tips on how to find the right reference for casting?

What is it your trying to do ?

I want to cast to another blueprint so I can use a function from there.

is the function in a actor,character game mode?

Your reference should has same master class for casting to what you want to cast to.

If you want to cast a reference to MyPlayerController, your reference should be a PlayerController. And your MyPlayerController should derive from PlayerController.

Both of them are actors.

I am inside an actor, where I want to call another actor, and the actor and I want to reference a specific actor that I call.
I think I can find a reference for the actor blurperint generally but I want it to be the one I am stnading next too.

to get a reference to another actor in the level you will need to use something like overlaps, traces, or public variables, so you can reference the specific instance of the actor class. so you could for example on input event line trace x units forward, then take that hit actor and cast to your actor class. what it really comes down to is context, what you are attempting exactly, how you wish to accomplish it, and what systems you currently have in place.