How to change timeline start point?

So I am building this puzzle tool where the object on the track rotates around the center using a timeline. In the editor, the object on the right is starting at zero rotation and functions normally, but the object on the right has been rotated prior to starting, and when pushed, snaps to zero (where the object on the right is) and begins rotating. I tried to set a new start time in blueprint by doing some math to calculate its position along the timeline, but it still starts at zero.

this part isnt visible in your BP… but think the issue is in HOW you are using the timeline

generally, here’s how I’d use the timeline to drive the ALPHA change between (stored) current rotation and target rotation

  • Do Once… when you’d like to start the rotation get the current rotation and play the timeline (don’t do
    either of these constantly… like on
    Tick…or the timeline will just keep on
    starting to play again and again, and also
    the starting rotation will constantly
    change… both of these will undermine the purpose of
    your lerp) and secondly…
  • From the timeline or on Tick… drive lerp between current and target
    rotations using an ALPHA value
    (usually between 0 and 1)