Setting Actor Location In Multiplayer / Replication

This is not a question but I want to post a hint in case someone faced the same problems that I had.
Hint #1 Make sure Replication is set in Actor Properties .
Hint #2 Make sure Replicate Movement is Ticked.
Hint #3 Always run Set Actor Location and Spawn Actor BP by The Server / And Check for Authority.

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This is not a question but I want to post a hint in case someone faced the same problems that I had. Hint #1 Make sure Replication is set in Actor Properties . Hint #2 Make sure Replicate Movement is Ticked. Hint #3 Always run Set Actor Location and Spawn Actor BP by The Server / And Check for Authority.

You’re a saint. I forgot to tick the “Replicate Movement” box and was absolutely lost on why it wasn’t replicating properly. Thank you!

Thanks man