Make Actor "invisible" to AI?

If the shield is a component of the player BP it should still register the player as enemy when it sees the shield. I dont know how it reacts to child actor component though if that’s the case, but if it is preventing the AI for some reason you can either change the default sight collision channel in Project Settings > AI System, or change the shield’s collision response for Visibility channel(which is the default for AIPerception.)

Select the mesh in your shield BP > Details panel > Collision.

I have hand to hand combat implemented in my game where AI will chase after the player and attempt to attack them. I want to add a shield for the player to block damage. However, my AI is using AIPerception, which as I understand it, detects actors at their world location around the mid-section (center of capsule). So, when I add the shield to the player, it block the “sight” to the player. Is there any way to turn an actor "invisible to AIPerception or add an ignore tag to it? O is there a better work around?

Where do you change the collision response setting for an actor?