How can I possess *Multiple* AI at once?

If I leave “Auto Possess AI” to “When placed in world” any and all copies of my character BP placed in the level will move in conjunction with one another, as if they are all possessed at once.

I want to leave “Auto Possess AI” to “Disabled”, and then with a mouse click possess one, or more AI if I choose. I can only seem to possess one at a time with the Possess node though. I’ll have one AI moving around, and then Ill click on another AI and I lose control of the first and gain control of the second. I want to RETAIN control of the first one and add more onto it, to posses multiple at once like in my first example. The Posses node seems to Automatically unposses the previous AI though?

Any help would be super appreciated!

Since AIController can only possess one pawn at a time, you have to spawn an AIController using Spawn Actor of Class and then use its Possess node to posses the new pawn. So if you have 10 pawns, you have to create 10 AIController as well.

Ahh, I feared that might be the case. Dang I’m making an RTS game and wanted to make it to where I could potentially have 100 units selected at Max.

What would creating 100 AI controllers do? How taxing would something like that be? Realistically how many do you think would be too many?

Thanks again for your time! I’m new to AI so your helping me a lot!