Best way to update simple text without binding ?

Hello ! I’m looking for a way to not use the “binding” of several text blocks.

I want to modify some 40 texts in a function of my UI.
So I don’t want to create 40 “Binding” functions that will be done in all frames …

I tried to use the painting mode on my text variable but it does not work either …

Is it possible to simply change the text in a function outside a “bind” Thank’s.

Put all widgets in array and plug that array to Target, it will automatically do for each call on that node.

Other solution is using retainer box which prevents update of widget until invalidation or reduce update to phases. Bind function is only called when widget is update so if you do that function wont be called until invalidation of widget

Blueprint interface function which you message on update and use that event to set the text.

I understand you said ! it’s very interesting:

But I have a hard time understanding (Put all widgets in the array and plug that array to Target)
-Is it absolutely necessary that it be a widget? because in my case it’s just text blocks on the Main screen
-How exactly put widgets on array?

Regarding my case: I created 10 display slots to show the last 10 items taken and their number,

I also created a “struct” memory with 10 values and 10 item classes.

I want to use this structure for directly change that ^^ ’

(If I don’t succed, I will use the “retainer box”…)