Call Actor Custom Event on Hit Actor Trace

Hello, I’ve a function in my character Blueprint to trace what my cursor is hitting when pressing the E key. I would like to call a custom event that I’ve in an Actor Blueprint when this is hitted, but with the “Hit Actor” on the “Break Hit Result” won’t let me do this. Is there any way to do this?

you never actually show trying to call the custom event but it seems like your on the right track. all you need to do is take the hit actor and cast it to the class you looking to call the event in, this is to ensure that the class has the event you want to call. then drag off the return pin of the cast and search for the event you want to call. your basically already doing these things but your trying to do it on a generic static mesh component which cant have any events since its not a actor.

Use a blueprint interface and message the function on hit. You can then use that event for whatever you need.

(To message a BPI function, make sure you have turned off context sensitive. To use that event elsehwere, simply right click and type in event and the function name and it’ll grab it for you)