Delegate breaks the bond without a reason

Delegate function bond works just fine for a while, but after some time, it is broken. I double checked if I remove bonds to the delegate or not, but they are never removed anywhere in my code.

Anyone with an answer would make my day. Thanks in advance :slight_smile:


DECLARE_MULTICAST_DELEGATE_OneParam(FOnObjectMove , const FVector&);
FOnObjectMove OnObjectMove;

On Tick:


On listener object:

void ObjectMoveNotifier(const FVector& canoeLocation);

OnObjectMove.AddUObject(this, &Generator::ObjectMoveNotifier);

Thanks for the comment, but the tick function I mentioned is movement component’s TickComponent function, which is the least frequent function I can use to broadcast.

I have discovered the error. As I understood, Unreal Engine delagates handle exceptions, and they break the bond if any exception occurs. The mistake I have done was that I tried to make an object a member of the base character class of mine, and they have been deleted somehow causing segmentation fault. When I seperate them and have done everything according to the book(converted them to components) the error is no more valid.