Why is the SetTimerForNextTick callback called on the same frame for a Client RPC?

Does anyone know why SetTimerForNextTick is called on the same frame inside a client RPC? I’m doing something like this:

void AMainGameState::Multicast_DoGameTransition_Implementation()
    UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("Frame outside: %i"), GFrameCounter);

    FTimerDelegate TimerDelegate;
        UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("Frame inside: %i"), GFrameCounter);

…and the frame number is the same for both logs when called on a Client, but for a ListenServer the frames are different, as expected.

(What I’m trying to do is to instruct the clients to do a game state transition by capturing a screenshot of the current state and do a fade into the next. Since grabbing screenshots to use at runtime needs to be done inside the UGameViewportClient::Draw method, I need to delay logic until the next tick.)