Behavior tree Move To task won't accept object-type Blackboard keys, occasional bouts of multiple crashes, etc

I am taking an Unreal Engine class at Baker College, and the latest assignment revolves around a simple enemy AI that walks between two patrol points, chases the player if it sees them, and returns to the patrol points. The problem lay in the fact that the Move To node of the behavior trees mysteriously will NOT show any key of the object keys. I started creating other types of keys just to make sure that it wasn’t blocking all types of keys other than SelfActor, the default key it was already set to. Vector keys seem to work. On top of all this, there are times when the engine crashes, and almost immediately crashes again when I restart the engine. This can happen quite a few times before deciding to stay active. Could these problems be the result of a botched download of unreal engine? Evaluations of my hard drive and processor show no issues, I have a premium antivirus program, and I am just now encountering this seemingly insurmountable issue.
Troubleshooting suggestions of any sort are welcomed.

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In the Blackboard, select the object key, and set it’s base class as actor


yes, it’s actually works