Why is Particles.SpriteSize in Niagara not a float?

I was following this tutorial: [UE4 - Tutorial - Niagara Mesh Particles][1]

At 4:30 the person was changing the Particles.SpriteSize in the Niagara Emitter Editor. (Shown in picture 1.)


However if I open the default ThirdPerson project on my PC, the Particles.SpriteSize isn’t a float. It’s a vector2D.
(See picture 2.)

Is it possible to make the variable a float?
I can’t find a solution for this problem.

Thanks in advance.

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Vector2Ds contain two floats for the X and Y value. It’s basically the same, but like this you only have one variable for both values. In Blueprints you can ‘break’ a Vector2D and access both float values.

I’ll give it a try! Thank you very much!

(I didn’t know how to do it, but with your explanation: Break Vector 2D)

Let me know if you need help :slight_smile:

You can choose variant Vector2D from float by clicking on the arrow on the right.