Unreal 4.20 with Custom Steam APP ID doesn't work


We have been having problems with the custom Steam APP ID for a while. Basically whenever we change the steam app ID to 480 in our DefaultEngine.ini, everything works fine, the overlay will show in the standalone mode. However, whenever we change it to our own ID, the overlay doesn’t show anymore.

I can see the three packages for dev comp, beta testing, and one other present in our page. I have tried putting both SteamDevAppId and SteamAppId into the config file. I have changed the RelaunchAppId in the engine’s OnlineSubsystemSteam.cpp to our custom ID. With shipping build, it doesn’t seem like anything changed whether I have the steam_appid.txt in the root folder or not.

I tried most of the solutions that fixed other people’s problem that I can find online but still in vain. Any help would be appreciated, thanks!

I ended up stopped trying to fix the problem, and just directly use the steampipe to upload our game. Things seem okay now.
Here is the youtube tutorial if anyone is interested!

Hello nickchu35,
did you found any solution to test it with locally with App ID without doing the steam upload process?
It worked for App ID 480 for me, but not anymore when I change the ID from 480 to our own steam ID. And I do not understand from all the IDs I got which ID I have to choose.

We have got “Dev Comp ID”, “Beta testing ID”, “package ID”, “Store page ID”… but no ID reads simply “App ID”. Can I use beta test ID and Dev Comp ID to put into game engine ini to have the steam overlay and that local steam register the start of “own game” name?
Would be cool to hear you get it done (and how) beside upload to steampipe directly.
Thanks a lot!

I solved my own question now. Who ever wants to now, here is the solution:
None of the IDs I named above is the steam App ID. Not the Dev Comp ID, not the beta testing ID, no package ID.
→ The steam APP ID is listed in the steam works dashboard, on the right side of your game name, in brackets. It’s never named as “App id”, but I got it on try and error. It is the same ID you see in your browser in your URL when being in your steam works dashboard in your game, that’s also the App ID you need.

And with that ID you can replace the space war APP ID 480, which is for general testing purpose for everybody.

Also … you have to use a steam account I to be logged in, which has your steam game assigned. So, at least your steam works Account should work. I am not sure about this part of my solution, but at testing actually I think that’s also a requirement to see your game-name in steam, when you start your ue4 game as stand alone, that the steam account has to have the game assigned.

Beside this … how to use beta testing package, Dev Comp Package… I try to understand in the next weeks. :slight_smile:
Have fun!