Navmesh rebuild issues

How to reproduce issue 1:

  • Check Edit->Editor Preferences->Level Editor(Miscellaneous)->Update Navigation Automatically
  • Uncheck Edit->Editor Preferences->Level Editor(Miscellaneous)->Update BSP Automatically
  • Open new level
  • Drag NavMeshBoundsVolume into the level
  • Set NavMeshBoundsVolume size to a big number like 5000x5000x5000
  • Drag BSP box into level
  • The NavMesh is not being updated no matter if you press Build all levels or build Navigation->Paths
  • It will update correctly as soon as you enable Update BSP Automatically again

How to reproduce similar issue 2:

  • Check Edit->Editor Preferences->Level Editor(Miscellaneous)->Update Navigation Automatically
  • Check Edit->Editor Preferences->Level Editor(Miscellaneous)->Update BSP Automatically
  • Open new level
  • Drag NavMeshBoundsVolume into the level
  • Do not move it
  • Set NavMeshBoundsVolume size to a big number like 5000x5000x5000
  • The NavMesh is not being updated if you press Build all levels or build Navigation->Paths
  • Move the NavMeshBoundsVolume a few centimeters
  • Now the NavMesh is being updated

This happens in 4.4 (might have happened in earlier version too as I did not test it there).


EDIT: Added issue 1 which is the main annoyance because you need to go into the menu to fix it again

I’m experienced the same issue! :frowning: My NavMesh doesn’t update in editor :frowning:

Hi everyone,

The reason this is occurring is because, with bsp’s when you move them and update automatically is off they do not actually move. In a similar scenario, when you place a bsp into the level without update automatically on they are not “actually” there until you build geometry. The Navmesh is not updating because, according to the editor there is nothing to update. Once the build button is pressed it recognizes the changes and acts accordingly.

Hey ,

thanks for explaining, this makes some things clear. It however does not explain issue #1 which is completely reproducible and does not regenerate the navmesh even if you press the build button if “Update BSP Automatically” is unchecked. It is also actually my main issue here:)

EDIT: Actually both issues are about that navmesh is not regenerated if you press the build button

Hi stfx,

It appears I had misunderstood your message. I was able to reproduce this on my end and will enter in to be assessed by the development staff. Have a great day!