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What does this mean:

Blueprint Runtime Error: “Accessed None trying to read property CallFunc_FinishSpawningActor_ReturnValue”. Blueprint: VRPawn Function: Execute Ubergraph VRPawn Graph: EventGraph Node: DetachFromComponent
Blueprint Runtime Error: “Accessed None trying to read property CallFunc_K2_GetRootComponent_ReturnValue”. Blueprint: VRPawn Function: Execute Ubergraph VRPawn Graph: EventGraph Node: DetachFromComponent
And how can I fix this.

Good morning!

That looks like a Null Pointer Exception to me! UE4 uses the phrase “Accessed None” to indicate that it’s trying to use an object reference which hasn’t been set yet.

TeaTimer, I don’t know if you come from an object-oriented programming background. If you do, then you’re probably already familiar with null pointers and I’m over-explaining this. If not, spend a little time getting familiar with how object references work - it will be worth the investment :slight_smile:

As for this particular issue, you can click on one of the underlined words in the error message to jump to where the issue is occurring. It looks like the “none” is coming from a return value from some other function calls (FinishSpawningActor, GetRootComponent). If those are functions you wrote, see if there’s some possible path that doesn’t return an object properly. If they’re built-in functions, check out their documentation and see if something needs to be initialized before you can use them!

Hope that helps!