Camera Switching Error

How’s it going everyone? I have a small error that is driving me up a wall. It is a accessed none error.

"Blueprint Runtime Error: “Accessed None trying to read property CallFunc_GetPlayerController_ReturnValue”. Blueprint: Untitled Function: Execute Ubergraph Untitled Graph: EventGraph Node: Set View Target with Blend"

What I have is a basic set up that is a side scroller and when the player character overlaps with the level trigger box, it switches to the level camera while overlapped and then it switches back to the player’s camera when outside the box. It works fine with just the player but when I put in another bp character, that’s when the error happens. The main player doesn’t have anything crazy in the bp, just movement and her camera controls, and the other bpcharacters have nothing at all just a idle animation for now.

Below is the level bp with the blend node that the error is targetting which I think is the target.

I know it’s conflicting with the extra character bp, which are enemies, because the error repeats itself if there are more than one within the are.