How to disable gamepad control in editor?

The sticks on my gamepad are loose, and they keep navigating the menus when I don’t want them too. How do I disable this without removing control from gameplay?

In “editor preferences” there’s an option to disable gamepad control for the viewport, but I couldn’t find an option for menus.

(I’m currently using an older version of the Engine, let me know if the option I’m looking for wasn’t added until later.)

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nope. there isnt an option to disable it in the viewport, but thank you for wasting my time making me look again.

If you’re working with 5.0+ (I’m in 5.3 currently), there is a “Level Editor Joystick Controls” checkbox inside the editor Preferences. Un-checking this disabled my XBox controller in editor.

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May be, this topic doesn’t want to disable camera control by gamepad in viewport.

Slate.EnableGamepadEditorNavigation = false

Try to use this console command.
I can disable editor control (ex. change menu focus by gamepad left stick) by gamepad.

This parameter is initialized when editor restart.
So, if you want to disable it always, add this text to DefaultEngine.ini:

Slate.EnableGamepadEditorNavigation = false
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