"Objects have the same fully qualified name but different paths" but they have the same path

I keep getting this error when I open my project and I have no idea how to fix it.

Fatal error: [File:D:\Build\++UE4\Sync\Engine\Source\Runtime\CoreUObject\Private\UObject\UObjectGlobals.cpp] [Line: 2387] Objects have the same fully qualified name but different paths. New Object: CombatComponent /Script/Hivaneph.Default__PlayerCharacter.CombatComponent Existing Object: CombatComponent /Script/Hivaneph.Default__PlayerCharacter:CombatComponent

The new object and the existing object have exactly the same path. I’ve read that this might be due to a hot-reload and a simple recompile can fix the issue, but no matter how many times I recompile I keep getting the error. I have cleaned the binaries, intermediate and saved folders and re-generated the VS project files, nothing. I have also tried building as Development Editor and DebugGame Editor in Visual Studio, no luck (and btw the error is even more consistent in Development Editor).

I can almost never get the editor to open and when I do the editor crashes when opening my game’s level.

This is how I create the combat component:

combatComponent = CreateDefaultSubobject<UCombatComponent>(TEXT("CombatComponent"));

Also, combatComponent is in a class called ABaseEntity, which is the parent of APlayerCharacter.

This is also happening with other components and now even with a custom anim notify state.

Any ideas?

PS: My log is also full of “LogUObjectHash: Warning: Ambiguous search, could be Class /Script/MyGame.BaseEnemy or Class /Script/MyGame.BaseEnemy”. Apparently, this is happening for every single class.