Releasing Project Source Code Under MPL 2.0


I have a C++ Project that is generic in nature with “innovative” combination of unreal UI and Character Controllers that drives motivation of releasing it publicly under MPL 2.0 if it is possible at all. C++ project started as blank project, without any starter content, after much googling I still don’t have clear picture on how to do it right.

It seems like Unreal EULA does not prohibit releasing my own code (references to Unreal classes, methods, class extensions/inheritance, function calls etc …) on public repository with all required project folders such as Config, Content, Source, Plugins.

Is it acceptable to add MPL 2.0 license notice header to each project source file ?

Project Source File Example:

// This file is part of SkyNet Games,
// for learning how to be friends with SkyNet.
// Copyright (C) 20XX <skynet_perent1_name> <email>
// Copyright (C) 20XX <skynet_perent2_name> <email>
// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla
// Public License v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed
// with this file, You can obtain one at

#include "HumanoidCharacter.h"
#include "MyMagicMPLlibrary.h // This is my plugin, a stand alone MPL 2.0 library too.
#include "Engine.h"
#include "Math.h"
#include "AIController.h"
#include "Components/InputComponent.h"
#include "HumanoidAIController.h"

Do I need to add anything else to license notice header or any where else in project to make it happen ?

Thank you!

Thank you for replay, I am not seeking legal advice from Epic, my issue is that I am not sure if Epic is a Ok with releasing statically linked code under MPL 2.0 Licenses, to be clear I am not copying any code from engine source code, except of-course boilerplate code that is require for linker.

My question is similar to this question:

Only difference is in my case that I use MPL 2.0 license instead of BSD.

Hi there. It sounds like you are asking for advice on how to release your project under MPL 2.0. Unfortunately, Epic is isn’t permitted to provide you legal advice like this. Please note that distribution of engine source is limited under the EULA and must be to other UE4 licensees through a fork of Epic’s git only.

Sorry, I may have misunderstood your last question in the initial post.

You are permitted to license your own code under MPL 2.0, but not in any way that would cause any of the engine code to be licensed under the same, which under the MPL can be avoided.

This is awesome, thank you!