Items, NPCs and sphere collisions to activate - Am I doing something that will bite me later?


I’ve set up some systems for items, npc interaction, enemies etc and I am using a system of spheres to fire off various effects as the player approaches them.

Now here’s an example of an item:

The different spheres activate different things, like highlighting the item, displaying the name and displaying whether or not the player can interact with it.

Here’s an example of a bundle of items (I do have item stacking, this is just for demonstration purposes):

Now my question is not about functionality, everything is working as it should. What I am concerned about is the potential impact on performance once I start building a full level. Which will include a lot of these types of items.

As I understand it, sphere collisions aren’t very resource heavy unless you’re firing hundreds or thousands at a time, my question is more on the performance impact of simply having these in my level? Only the player can activate them of course and the code for activation is set within each individual item.

Bumping this with a picture of my basic test level where I’m testing AI, NPCs, item pickups etc. It’s pretty cluttered already though I can turn the spheres off if I want. Just hoping someone has some input regarding performance impact.