Properly importing materials into ue4 from Blender

I am trying to import a mesh that I made in Blender that has materials added onto it in cycles render. I exported the mesh and imported it into unreal. Even if I select “import materials” and “import textures” the materials will be imported but only as white. All the information I have added using nodes such as emission, glossy etc is gone. I have to manually change the colour in unreal myself without the work I have done in nodes, and for some reason, 1 mesh is split into all the different colour portions of the mesh rather than one material.

Is there a way to properly export a material in Blender and import it into Unreal engine?

the underlying code is different in blender than it is in ue4. nodes are proprietary to the program being used, its not like a actual scripting language that is common across programs. if you look at the nodes used in blender you will see there are nodes that dont exist in ue4 and the reverse is also true. so how could one program make sense if it doesnt know what the things are.

so you basically have two options: you can recreate your materials in ue4, or you can bake your material to textures and use those in materials in ue4.

at least thats been my experience maybe others will have a different answer.