Play full body animation if not moving?

Hey everyone,

I’m a bit stuck on setting up the correct syntax for my logic. I have an melee animation that fires off when the player left clicks. It plays just fine and looks good. However if the player is moving I only want the animation to play on the upper body.

I’ve been looking through the TPP blueprint tutorial on the melee animation but it doesn’t quite cover what I need.

This is what I’ve tried setting up so far - which is not the correct logic.

I have a bool blend pose that I’m trying to drive the logic for if the player is moving and attacking to then play the upper body with the locomotion state.

But if they aren’t moving but are attacking to play the full body animation.

The problem is that when the player moves and attacks it’s playing the full body animation. If I just used the cache state with the UpperBody section without the Blend by pothen I only have the UpperBody animation playing all the time.

Does anyone have an example of what I’m trying to get at or what’s wrong? Do I need moving and attacking variable?

Any help is much appreciated!

I’d try doing a layered blend per bone with the base pose being the locomotion state machine and the Upper Body slot feed your upper body bone portion. a cached reference to the locomotion pose could feed that Upper body slot.