Sphere Component in blueprint has nothing in details tab

USphereComponent with a blueprint has nothing in its details tab…

Axel = CreateDefaultSubobject<USphereComponent>(FName("Axel")); is the code...

The usphere component is in my blueprint but it has nothing in its details tab!

You need to add property specifier in order to access from BP. Modify your header file like this:

USphereComponent* Axel;

Here’s the documentation for property specifier: Property Specifiers | Unreal Engine Documentation

That actually wasnt the problem. It was a glitch… had to comment out anything that mentioned axel or wheel… recompile… then readd then recompile again… then compile blueprint and save… Otherwise it resets to details being empty again… Its an odd bug, but after all those steps it worked fine…

I see. After seeing your description I remember it happened to me as well. What I did was creating a new Blueprint, as this bug doesn’t seems to affect newly created file, then delete the old one and replace the reference.

If you can reproduce the issue you should definitely let Epic know.

Did you get it to work? I am actually going through this udemy course as well and having this same problem at this point.

yes my solution is what your responding to.