Editor viewport pixelated on HiDPI display


I posted this in the forums a while ago, but there was no feedback.

On a Mac or Windows with HiDPi display, the viewport looks as in the screenshot attached, rendering only ¼ of the available pixels. (I put a Unity Window next to it for comparison). Fonts and Nodes are OK, but everything else is pixelated, with the viewport frame buffer apparently being only ¼ of the pixels of the display, but then upscaled to the viewport resolution.

I’m on an iMac Pro with 16 GB of Video RAM, running MacOS 10.14.3. I also get the same problem on a 2017 15" MacBook pro. The UnrealEngine version I’m using is 4.21.2. I also took a screenshot of UnrealED on windows 10 (same version) to show that the problem also occurs on Windows.

I looked through the editor preferences and can’t find an option to enable actual 1:1 pixel rendering where 1 pixel in the engine is 1 physical pixel on the screen (as opposed to one layout pixel in the OS). There’s a "enable HiDPi support, but it’s already checked by default and the only thing that changes when disabling it is that the fonts also look pixelated. Also, the viewport appears to be nearest-neighbor upscaled as apposed to upscaling when HiDPi is enabled.

UnrealEngine and Cheetah 3D (3D Package) side by side:

Screenshot Comparison with Unity:

In order to see the problem on a lowDPi display, I cropped the first screenshot and changed the image metadata to 72 dpi.


Windows 10. same issue.


We’ve recently made a switch to a new bug reporting method using a more structured form. Please visit the link below for more details and report the issue using the new Bug Submission Form. Feel free to continue to use this thread for community discussion around the issue.



The solution is to check “Disable DPI Based Editor Viewport Scaling” in Preferences → General → Performance.