Cap Value on Progress Bar?

I know that the progress bars value is a float going from 0 to 1 I have an item pickup that fills this progress bar but I have a cap on the items at 30 so it only fills the bar partially, how do I make it so thirty will fill the bar entirely?

Use the Map RangeClamped node.

  • Value - Current number of your picked up items (0 to 30)
  • In Range A - Minimum pick up items (0)
  • In Range A - Maximum pick up items (30)
  • Out Range A - Minimum progress bar value (0)
  • Out Range B - Maximum progress bar value (1)

Use the following values:

  • Value - Current number of your picked up items
  • In Range A - 0.0
  • In Range A - 30.0
  • Out Range A - 0.0
  • Out Range B - 1.0

Depending on your Value (ranges from 0 to 30) this will convert the output to range value of 0.0 and 1.0.

Thanks for the help!

theres also the normalize to range node which is a little bit simpler. Or theres always normal math where you would take your current value and divide it by the max which will give you a 0-1 number.