Actor Instance Reference in Second Actor BP?

Is it somehow possible to reference an Actor instance in second actor BP without placing that BP into the level?

For example I have a ‘quest’ Blueprint which has one of the objectives to “Press a button”.

If i attempt to use actor reference and expose it to BP I can use a specific reference but I have to ‘place’ the quest actor on the map in order to be able to reference the specific button on the map:

AButtonActor* ButtonRef;

This works but it feels ‘wrong’ to place quest actors on the map, would rather just have them as ‘generic’ BP’s or in the database / data table.

What I’ve been doing so far is creating a BP of the button that is specific to the quest and using:

TSubclassOf<AButtonActor> ButtonRef;

But this means that our quest designers have to create ‘BP’ of a button for every quest separately rather than referencing a specific one just from a level.

Am I missing something or is that just how it is and I have to choose between the two ways?