Belt pulley in unreal

Is there someone who knows how to simulate a transmission like on the photo in Unreal?


There are multiple ways you can solve it, also depends on what do you want to do with it. For example:

  • Animate a Skeletal Mesh
  • Rotate the wheel from code, and apply a Panner material to the belt (and sync them together)

If you also want to physics bodies to be affected, there is an official tutorial for a conveyor belt volume: Making a Simple Converyor Volume | Live Training | Unreal Engine - YouTube

I can’t really imagine yet how is that different, can you please link a video or animation what type of movement you’re trying to achieve, and what frame are you trying to lift?

The purpose of the application is to lift a frame.
The belt winds up around a wheel and so it’s possible to lift the frame

I have edited my post the same time you commented, you can follow the tutorial I linked to move physics actors with the belt (through you still need to choose a solution to make it visually moving too).

Thanks! But it’s not really what i need, it’s not a conveyor belt that I need to simulate.
There are two belt-transmissions in the application:

  1. The one like on the picture, belt pulley transmission
  2. A wheel on an axis and when the axis rotate, the belt winds up around the wheel and so it’s possible to lift a frame

I don’t know it’s very clear…
Red is the belt and when the axis rotates, the wheel also rotates and then the belt starts to wind up around the wheel and then it’s possible to lift something up

The mechanics sound the same to me as before: animate the belt and the wheel, and SetActorLocation to whatever you’d like to lift.

To animate the belt it is possible to use skeletal mesh or with panner material.
Is it possible to get the forces in the belt for example when it lifts a mass for example?

I don’t think your belt will be able to do it as a physics actor. You might just want to sync them with hand, for example pan the material 1 m/s, and lift your object with the same speed (with a material parameter you can even keep them in sync if you wanna it later). Or what are your requirements? Do you want it to be slower if the weight increases?

I got the specs of the motor, the specs of the belt and now I have to evaluate what happens if the weight increases (so the forces in the belt, required torque…) then I can see if the chosen motor is good or which weight the application can lift

For me that problem sounds like a physics / math calculation, independent from UE’s physics isn’t it?

I don’t know, they want the simulation of the application and get information from the simulation

I think that’s impossible in UE4, you can’t use the physics system to simulate how real-world physics would work. Even in the latest engine version, if you place a perfect sphere and kick it, it will roll forever. Now, compare this relatively simple scenario to your needs :smiley:

But if you add friction to the sphere, it won’t roll forever…

Well it’s an irrelevant topic now, that was an example. And actually no, the default PhysicsMaterial has friction, yet, the sphere will never stop. There are whole discussions here about this topic.

Hmm okay, thanks for the replies!