Engine freezes on custom Mesh Component

Hey, I have the following issue:

I want to create several Static Meshes, but plan on adding custom attributes to them. As a result, I decided to create my own Component and derive it from UStaticMeshComponent, so I can add said attributes.

So I created the MyStaticMeshComponent, made it available to Blueprint by:

UCLASS(ClassGroup = (Custom), meta = (BlueprintSpawnableComponent))
class MyStaticMeshComponent : public UStaticMeshComponent

Now, when I call “Add My Static Mesh Component” in the Blueprint, everything works fine. But once I try to change the Mesh of it, or change the Object Type (Static/Stationary/Moveable), the Engine freezes and takes around 10 minutes to accomplish the task. If I do the same with “Add Static Mesh Component”, which is the default Component, I inherited from, everything works fine and fast.

There no custom logic inside MyUnitSpotComponent yet. What could be the reasoning behind the Engine freezing / taking very long to accomplish the task?