How do i get more then 1 door to open?

So hello i am new to unreal engine and make a game where i need a lot of doors to work. i have reached to the point where i can get 1 door to open when i press e but how do i do to let it work the same on other doors is there a way to copy it over or is it a lot harder?

I would rethink how you are doing this logic in the first place. I see that you have this in the map blueprint graph, and I would consider doing it in the door blueprint itself.

Ask yourself, what conditions need to be met for a door to open? Are those conditions going to be the same for each door? If they are, then put it in a “door” blueprint and you should get the behavior you are looking for. So if you want multiple doors to open when user presses ‘E’, then you can put that input event on the door blueprint, and it will happen on every door. You can then place different conditions on each door, for example, “if this door is within X units of the player” and whatever else you need.

If you want to stay with your current setup, then you are going to need to look into arrays and open multiple doors that way.

So you telling my that I can make a blueprint in or with doors and then use that blueprint on all doors? How? Sry just Really new can only make thinks from fully out tutorials

below is a super basic example of how to do a door.

create a new actor: click add new button, then blueprints, then in the new window select actor. then add your door mesh to the actor via the components panel, also add in a box collision. next go to the event graph. here we will make a script to open and close the door based on the character overlapping and pressing the open key Q. first we will handle getting the actor to accept player input. for the first part we need to ensure the player is overlapping which is done through the combination of the begin overlap, equal (==), and a branch. this basically asks is the overlapping actor the player character? if yes do a thing. in this case we want the thing to be done to be to enable input to the actor, so we use a enable input node and specify the player controller to enable the input from. we do basically the same thing for the end overlap except we disable input.

now we need a script which actually open the door aka moves the mesh. in this example i used a timeline since its pretty easy to understand and implement. again we need a event to start the script, Q input in this case. then we use a timeline which will determine how long the door takes to open based on a graph. the graph will be a 0-1 value over X seconds (however long you want it to take). to create the graph just double click the timeline node and add afloat track (button near top left), to add keys to the graph shift left click. now we use the timeline as a alpha in a lerp node. a lerp outputs a value between pin A and pin B based on the alpha so 0 is A’s value, 1 is B’s, and 0.5 is somewhere in the middle. in this case we use a vector lerp to go between two vectors and then we set the mesh’s relative location.

all this together will create a door asset which is reusable throughout your level. so you only need to script it once then you can make as many copies as you like.