Volumetric Fog Pulsating | Strange Issue

I have this weird issue with me trying to create a volumetric fog, it seems that everyone else at this point would have just a normal fog, but mine seems to be “pulsating” and switching off and on, the particle is going back to 0/3 and I’ve tried almost everything in the options to get it to stay still to no avail. Any help would be great, I couldn’t find anyone else who had this issue. Thanks


did you find a solution?

Hey 1whywhy1, yeah so what I needed to do was increase the amount of sessions, I think in that image I was at like 1/2 but I bumped up the amount of instances to like 500 and it started working right. But really the Cascade system is a bit of a potato and using the new Niagara should fix a lot of your issues.

Thanks for the quick response!
I just started playing with Unreal, so I had that issue in an empty project and recreating same fog in third person project fixed the issue.