Trouble Using "SetViewTargetWithBlend"

Hey guys, I have some issues using the “Set View Target With Blend” node. What I want to do is to switch between a camera from the character blueprint to a camera placed in the level. The Blend Time is 0. Changing works but I still have one frame of the blend though.
Set View Target With Blend fires at the end of a camera sequence. The one frame of the blending shows the camera from the character blueprint.
Is there any way to get rid of that?

First note: If you are using a camera track in your sequence this could be causing problems. If not, ignore this.

You may be seeing the sequence controlled camera snapping back to its location from before the sequence moved it. This can happen as the sequence ends and loses control of the camera before the complete event fires. If this is you case you can try to verify by adding an event before the sequence ends and triggering your camera change from that instead.

I think there may be a setting for sequences to mitigate this, like end offset or something but I don’t have it up in front of me.