How do i update the blueprints on the editor after changing the parent class code

I also encountered that kind of bug, you solve it the following way:

  1. Delete the Static/Skeletal Mesh Component in your code
  2. Compile (VS 2013)
  3. Check the blueprints, there should be no such component anymore
  4. Rewrite the code
  5. Compile (VS 2013)

It is enough to comment out and then uncomment the necessary passages.
If it doesn’t work, repeat the procedure and choose another name in CreateDefaultSubobject.

Hello, i used C++ to create the class Item with a static mesh component to represent it in the world. I created some blueprints that derive from that class and selected a static mesh for each one and then placed the instances in the world. Yesterday i changed the static mesh component to a skeletal mesh component and when i run the editor it still shows the static meshes like i didn’t change anything. If i create new blueprints from the Item class it shows the skeletal mesh. If i play the game in editor it doesn’t show anything so it’s using the skeletal mesh. How do i update the editor objects when i’m not playing to use the skeletal mesh change?

I commented the declaration and all the references to the SkeletalMesh component and recompiling the code still produces the same result. Changing names also didn’t do anything :frowning: I’m using UE 4.2