Unresolved external symbol for PropertyEditorModule


I’m getting unresolved external symbol errors when trying to compile my editor module.

I posted my Build.cs and output of build command with -verbose option to this gist:

I noticed there is no “Detected UObject module: PropertyEditor” line, it seems like all modules should get this?

What could I be doing wrong?

Thank you,

So the way I accessed the module was like this:

FPropertyEditorModule PropertyModule = FModuleManager::LoadModuleChecked<FPropertyEditorModule(TEXT("PropertyEditor"));

I should have defined a reference like so:

FPropertyEditorModule& PropertyModule = FModuleManager::LoadModuleChecked<FPropertyEditorModule(TEXT("PropertyEditor"));

So I understand how this is bad and why i want a reference to the object but i’m still confused at exactly how it produced said compile error.
Will leave it at that though and not look into this in detail.