C++ Porject update 4.22 problem

Hello everyone, I tried to update a project at the new preview 4.22. But I receive this error

The project could not be compiled. Would you like to open it in Visual Studio?

Running C:/Epic Games/UE_4.22/Engine/Binaries/DotNET/UnrealBuildTool.exe Development Win64 -Project=“C:/Users/Ippolito/Desktop/runner 4.22/runner.uproject” -TargetType=Editor -Progress -NoHotReloadFromIDE

Creating makefile for runnerEditor (no existing makefile)

@progress push 5%

Parsing headers for runnerEditor

Running UnrealHeaderTool “C:\Users\Ippolito\Desktop\runner 4.22\runner.uproject” “C:\Users\Ippolito\Desktop\runner 4.22\Intermediate\Build\Win64\runnerEditor\Development\runnerEditor.uhtmanifest” -LogCmds=“loginit warning, logexit warning, logdatabase error” -Unattended -WarningsAsErrors -installed

C:/Users/Ippolito/Desktop/runner 4.22/Source/runner/Public/PlayerController.h(62) : LogCompile: Error: ReceivePossess: Override of UFUNCTION in parent class (Controller) cannot have a UFUNCTION() declaration above it; it will use the same parameters as the original declaration.

C:/Users/Ippolito/Desktop/runner 4.22/Source/runner/Public/PlayerController.h(66) : LogCompile: Error: ReceiveUnPossess: Override of UFUNCTION in parent class (Controller) cannot have a UFUNCTION() declaration above it; it will use the same parameters as the original declaration.

Umm… it’s right there I believe?

Error: ReceivePossess: Override of UFUNCTION in parent class (Controller) cannot have a UFUNCTION() declaration above it; it will use the same parameters as the original declaration.

I guess your ReceivePossess has a UFUNCTION above it, which the build tool doesn’t like, as it wants to use the UFUNCTION definition used in Controller.

I believe you can simply fix it by removing your UFUNCTION definition.